Orders placed online will arrive within 5-7 business days. If you need your shipment sooner, please contact us to learn about shipping options to your state. The standard default shipping method is listed above. You can schedule your delivery by choosing a date to deliver your package. Some of our orders may ship separately. Please check the tracking numbers for individual items in your order.
All wine shipments must be received by and signed for by an adult over the age of 21. A business address is preferred. We cannot ship to PO boxes. Please schedule your delivery if signing for package may be an issue.
Each state regulates wine shipping individually – and many do not allow residents to have wine shipped directly to them. Most state laws also include volume restrictions.
Drinks & Company currently ships wine to the following states:
State | Volume Limits |
Arizona | 6 cases / year |
California | No restrictions |
Colorado | No restrictions |
Connecticut | 25 bottles / 60 days |
Florida | No restriction in approved counties |
Georgia | 12 cases / year |
Hawaii | 6 cases / year |
Idaho | 24 cases / year |
Illinois | 2 cases / year |
Kansas | 12 cases / year |
Maine | 12 cases / year - 750ml btls and larger only |
Maryland | 18 cases / year |
Minnesota | 12 cases / year |
Montana | 18 cases / year |
Nebraska | 1 case / month |
Nevada | 12 cases / year |
New Hampshire | 60 bottles / year |
New Mexico | 2 cases / month |
New York | 36 cases / year |
North Carolina | 2 cases / month |
North Dakota | 1 cases / month |
Oregon | 2 cases / month |
Pennsylvania | 36 cases / year |
South Carolina | 2 cases / month |
Vermont | 12 cases / year - Ships via FedEx only |
Virginia | 2 cases / month |
Washington DC | 1 case / month |
Washington Permit: #400417 | No Restrictions |
West Virginia | 2 cases / month |
Wyoming | 2 cases / year |
If your state is not listed here, please contact us to inquire about your state.
If you want to learn more about wine shipping to your state, visit the Wine Institute's website section on shipping laws:
Or visit Free the Grapes at http://freethegrapes.org/.
The list of eligible states subject to change so please contact us with questions.
Sign up for our newsletter and we'll let you know if your state opens up to direct shipping of wine!